






Green Logic follows attentively

scientific progress and more generally

the studies on this unique plant.

A study by the Plant Science Department

of the American Research Institute

for Agriculture shows that the Paulownia

also in the medical field can be a great

resource, the high natural protein content

of the large leaves gives all the conditions for this.

The components of the Paulownia plant

were analyzed, whereby a high presence

from polyphenolic compounds was detected,

which have a high antioxidant activity.

Diverse materials are used in various Diseases

of the human being implies like arteriosclerosis,

central nervous system, migraine and gastritis.



Vegetable antioxidants become

therapeutic for strengthening the immune system

deployed. Theresearch of antioxidant

Properties and of the medical value

of secondary metabolites in the paulownia

is rapidly gaining importance and recently

are further scientific publications on this

incredibly important topic appeared.

Tablets and injections made from the extract

from Paulownia leaves, fruits or wood extracts

can be obtained, have proven effective in bronchitis as

effective proven. Pharmacological experiments

show the usefulness of fruit extracts

to relief of cough and asthma and to

lowering blood pressure. Based on academic

Studies of the last years it was noted,

that Paulownia has a particularly high potential

in these important sectors.



The leaves of Paulownia trees, thanks to their

good nutritional value, can be used as an alternative

ingredient for pet food due to their biochemical properties.

Use Of paulownia for sustainable forestry:

Paulownia leaves

are rich in minerals like Calcium (2.1%),

Phosphorus (0.6%), Zinc (0,9%) and Iron (0,6%)

with 15.1% cellulose and 8.8% crude pyrite, which makes them

as feed ingredient for ruminants especially monogastric

and other animals. (Analysis by Dr. El-Showk)


  However, there was still limited information

about the optimal use of paulownia leaves

as a resource for the animal food around the shortage

of protein sources for animals to overcome.

In the conducted study was Paulownia leaf meal

(PLM) was used as a novel animal feed,

to successfully replace hay with high quality feed

for the diet of growing rabbits.

Paulownia leaves are therefore excellently 

suited as natural Organic feed.


  How often do we hear that bees are a from

Are endangered species?

On Paulownia trees they can find their food.

These trees actually produces huge

clusters of flowers; one hectare of paulownia

can beover 700 kg of honey

with excellent nutritional properties.

Perfect sweetener: Paulownia honey is a

exceptional natural sweetener.

Rich in vitamins and minerals : how the

most types of honey that we know is also

Paulownia honey rich in vitamins and minerals.

Excellent Energy dispenser for athletes and

contains also a wealth of important essential

Amino acids for our body.

Antiseptic and antibacterial:

The disinfecting antiseptic and

antimicrobialabilities of Paulownia honey,

make him one of our best ally,

When we mit seasonal

Nausea like sore throat have to do.

Against hypoglycemia: In hypoglycemia is

the ingestion of pauolwnia honey a

excellent alternative to get

in shortest possible time.




Green Logic follows attentively scientific progress and more generally the studies on this unique plant.

A study by the Plant Science Department of the American Research Institute for Agriculture shows that the Paulownia also in the medical field a great resource can be, the high natural protein content of the large leaves gives all the conditions for this.

The components of the Paulownia plant were analyzed, whereby a high presence from polyphenolic compounds was detected which have a high antioxidant activity.

Diverse materials are used in various Diseases of the human being implies like arteriosclerosis, central nervous system, migraine and gastritis.

Vegetable antioxidants become therapeutic for strengthening the immune system deployed.

Theresearch of antioxidant properties and of the medical value of secondary metabolites in the paulownia is rapidly gaining importance and recently are further scientific publications on this incredibly important topic appeared.

Tablets and injections made from the extract from Paulownia leaves.

Fruits or wood extracts can be obtained, have proven effective in bronchitis as effective proven. Pharmacological experiments show the usefulness of fruit extracts to relief of cough and asthma and to lowering blood pressure.

Based on academic Studies of the last years it was notedthat Paulownia has a particularly high potential in these important sectors.


The leaves of Paulownia-trees thanks to their good nutritional value can be used as an alternative ingredient for pet food due to their biochemical properties.

Use of Paulownia for sustainable forestry:

Paulownia leaves are rich in minerals like Calcium (2.1%), Phosphorus (0.6%), Zinc (0,9%) and Iron (0,6%) with 15.1% cellulose and 8.8% crude pyrite, which makes them as feed ingredient for ruminants especially monogastric and other animals. (Analysis by Dr. El-Showk)

However, there was still limited information about the optimal use of paulownia leaves as a resource for the animal food around the shortage of protein sources for animals to overcome.

In the conducted study was Paulownia leaf meal (PLM) as in the conducted study was Paulownia leaf meal (PLM) as a novel animal feed to successfully replace hay with high-quality feed in growing rabbits.

Paulownia leaves are therefore excellently suited as natural organic feed.


How often do we hear that bees are a from are endangered species?

On Paulownia trees they can find their food.

These trees actually produces huge clusters of flowers; one hectare of paulownia can be over 700 kg of honey with excellent nutritional properties.

Perfect sweetener: Paulownia honey is a exceptional natural sweetener.

Rich in vitamins and minerals : How the most types of honey that we know is also Paulownia honey rich in vitamins and minerals. 

Excellent Energy dispenser for athletes and contains also a wealth of important essential Amino acids for our body.

Antiseptic and antibacterialThe disinfecting antiseptic and antimicrobialabilities of Paulownia honey, make it one of our best ally, when we mit seasonal Nausea like sore throat have to do.

Against hypoglycemia: In hypoglycemia is the ingestion of pauolwnia honey a excellent alternative to get in shortest possible time.

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